Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Welcome to Luciferian Temple,

You must be thinking that I’m a satanist, blasphemous, antichrist, etc. You’ve learnt that Lucifer is bad. Lucifer was cursed as a fallen angel due to his pride to be the Highest and his desire to be worshiped. So you think that I’m against God because you might think I follow Lucifer by declaring myself as a Luciferian.

In fact, the term Luciferian that I use to call myself here came from the Latin word lux ferro , which mean the light bearer. Being a Luciferian, it is my mission of life to serve God The Highest by bearing the light to my surroundings. My being a teacher right now is the manifestation of my mission. I feel that I’m bound to my humility for this mission. I should not desire anything that defies from the mission of bearing the light. Nevertheless, it is painful to me because it is against my humanity.

However, I will never deny that I adore and admit Lucifer as my favourite Angel. He is the real genius, fancy, elegant, powerful and all the qualities of pride lies upon his rights. I wish I met Lucifer and learned from him. He is my core inspiration behind all of my pride motives. I stand against those who think and worship him as bloodthirst evil. Lucifer is the light bearer.

(as taken from the creed of Gajah Mada):

Kinanthenan tekad teguh Kanti tekad sayeti Ingsun asesanti
Along with stoic determination with genuine willingness I shall declare (that)

Ingsun madhep, mantep nedya amangun kekuwataning jiwa kalis ing sagung godha lan rubeda
I stand forward, firmly work on building the strength of soul resisting from various kinds of temptation and obstacle

amrih bisa angayomi maring sesami
in order to give shelter for mankinds

sunaring cahaya kekuwataningsun senadyan lebur tanpa wekas wus bakal makarti lan
the glaring light of my power although (it) melts without leaving any trace, (it) has been known already and

wus makarti utawane tumpes tanpa tapis madhangi kang lagi mandang pepeteng
(it) has been known if (it) gets effortlessly through barrier to enlighten those who are misled in darkness

Ingsun ora bakal gigrig mencorong sumilak
I will not squirm (instead) shine dazzlingly

tansah madhep mantep ing pangudi ndayani marang sapadha-padha
always undoubtly stand in maintaining empowerment to mankinds

marang gegayuhan margining warih
towards the path of life to reach

wilujeng wilujeng wilujeng kuat kuat kuat.
Salvation, salvation, salvation, (May I be) strong, strong, strong

Although I’m a trully Javanese, I may make some mistakes in detail translation because it is at high level of speech in Javanese language. However, the main idea has been translated correctly. From the translation above, we can see that there are 3 missions. They are:

  1. Building the strength of soul to give shelter

  2. Enlightening those who are misled in darkness

  3. Maintaining empowerment to mankinds to reach salvation

The missions must be carried out with full determination. Willingness to overcome barrrier and temptation is also required.
That is a brief description of Luciferian. Further details will be given in the next posting. Please give comment.Thank you.

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